Monday, June 28, 2010

Italy - Paraguay GROUP F FIFA World Cup 2010 match Ole, ole, ole, oollleeeee, oollleeeee!!!!!!! Guys, get the 'terere' out, it's time to celebrate! Charcoals are ready and the beef ribs are waiting to be placed on the grill. It's 'asado' time. It's 'futbol' time! It's time to spike up the adrenaline and cheer for 'la albirroja'. Get those red and white jerseys out and put the traditional blue shorts on. Those are the colours that will cause the world to look in awe and ask itself "Where did this team come from?" Nobody, I mean absolutely nobody is talking about Paraguay. I've heard tons of reports, interviews, commentaries, etc. on the World Cup... but not once did anybody mention Paraguay! It's all about Brazil, Spain, England, Argentina, and some other countries. The rest of the bunch barely gets mentioned. I wish from the bottom of my heart that some country that never before has won the WC comes out of hiding and beats all the big teams. Let's hope Paraguay does its share. On Monday when Paraguay and Italy meet, there will be a national holiday in Paraguay. That's the way it has always been. I recall the 1986 WC in Mexico, where Paraguay did quite well. They tied Mexico 1-1, tied Belgium 2-2 and then beat Iraq 1-0. But in the Round of 16, they then lost to England 3-0. I was in college that year and I remember that the Paraguayan government had declared all the days in which the national team played national holidays. For whatever reason, the principal of the college decided to ignore this and ...

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